OTTO's 38s - A Guide to 38 Special and 357 Magnum
Headstamps by Otto Witt
This is the definative guide to 38 Special and 357 Magnum headstamps. Over 400 pages, over 250 of
them with color illustrate the known headstamps in these two calibers including date variations. Also
illustrated, usually in color are the boxes associated with these cartridges as well as many of the
loads. In addition there is a section illustrating over 25 cartridges with no headstamp that are
distinctive in some way such as brass washed steel cases or interesting plastic cases or other
distinguishing features. The manufacturer, distributor or user of the cartridges are usually identified.
This is a two volume set bound in dark blue vinyl cover with a steel spine and a clear front cover. Each
volumes are over 200 pages. Also available at a reduced price in black and white with color covers.
$100 Postage paid for US. Add for Canada $40 & Overseas $66(Priority-Air)
Secure .pdf file $50
The Ordnance Department at the 1876 Philadelphia Exposition
by George Murphy
Hard bound in a forest green cover with gold letters, this is an essential reference work for anyone
interested in the early development of ammunition. It is 421 pages describing the origin of the
Ordnance Department exhibit and descriptions, with photos of the great majority of the 467 small
arms ammunition items on display in the 10 drawers at the exhibit. Many of the items were
photographed directly from the remnants of the exhibit which is in storage at the Smithsonian
Museum. Many others are from George Murphy’s collection. Included are many rare and
experimental cartridges. Only 60 copies have been printed, all on high quality paper.
$95 Postage paid for US. Add for Canada $30 (Priority-Air) No Overseas Shipments
Secure .pdf file $50
Dr. Edward Maynard's Cartridges by George Murphy
The definitive book on Maynard cartridges. Hard bound in a forest green cover with gold letters,
printed in color throughout, this is a must have for anyone interested in Maynard cartridges. It
includes 94 pages of text and color photographs of Maynard's cartridges and related items
followed by 56 pages of Maynard's patents and related information. It begins with a history of Dr.
Maynard and the companies he was associated with. The following 24 sections of the book
describe the cartridges and related items of Dr Maynard. These 87 pages include color
illustrations of the Maynard cartridges, boxes and related items. An essential reference work for
those interested in the early development of cartridge firearms. Many unique experimentals are
illustrated. Only 100 copies have are available, all on high quality paper.
$70 Postage paid for US. Add for Canada $20 & Overseas $33(Priority-Air)
Secure .pdf file $35
9x23mm Rimless Pistol Cartridges by John Moss
Over 110 pages. This is the definitive book on the 9mm Bergmann-Bayard, 9mm Largo and 9mm
Steyr cartridges as well as a number of less well known 9x23mm cartridges like the Catron, Devel,
TJ, Star Rifle and CP9X23S. Fully illustrated with headstamps, load variations and box labels. also
illustrates many of the guns used with these cartridges including some that are extremely unusual.
$45 Postage paid for US. Canada $20 & Overseas $33 (Priority-Air)
Secure .pdf file $25 (In Color)
Original Publications
by GIG Concepts
$45 for US buyers
$70 for US buyers
$65 for Canadian buyers
$78 for Overseas buyers
$90 forCanadian buyers
$103 for Overseas
$95 for US buyers
$125 for Canadian buyers
$100 for US buyers
$120 for Canadian buyers
$166 for Overseas buyers
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