GIG Concepts Publishing
The purpose of this website is primarily to support the publishing activities of the
corporation, but also to providing a source of free research information to the small arms
The objective of GIG Concepts Publishing is to provide the student and researcher of arms,
ammunition and militaria with reprints of original reference material (Reference Doc) and
with specialized publications (Original Pubs) that are not available from other sources. The
corporation focuses on low volume publications with a potential marked of 50 to 300
copies and relies on "print on demand" technology using high resolution laser printers.
Unless otherwise noted, publications are printed back-to-back and bound in a heavy blue
vinyl cover with a clear front displaying the title page.
The corporation has the capability to print one-sided or back-to-back copy in black and
white, and selected color pages. Some publications such as the 9mm Parabellum
Headstamp and Casetype Guide are published loose leaf for ease of update. Most
publications are bound in vinyl covers with a clear front and a hard, steel reinforced spine
The cover page with the title is displayed through the clear cover. Some books have been
are available with traditional hard bindings.
The Corporation also offers a 9mm Parabellum (Luger) Headstamp and Case Type Guide
(9mm HSG). Currently three volumes are in print, each over 200 pages. These are printed
single side and contained in a three ring binder for ease of update. Each headstamp is
illustrated by a large format photo (or when not available, a drawing). Information on the
manufacturer and usage is also provided on each headstamp. Case type variations (blanks,
etc) are also illustrated as well as boxes. The preeminent source for 9mm Luger
headstamps. Approximately 1200 headstamps and 600 cartridge boxes illustrated.
The 9mm Parabellum (Luger) cartridge is a special interest and there is a section of this
site (9mm Para) dedicated to this cartridge which includes information on this cartridge and
the wantlist of 9mm Para specimens which we are seeking.
The Corporation also provides a broad range of consulting services to the military, industry
as well as state and local governments.
GIG Concepts Publications